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Event reports of ACP(AUA Company Project)

Group 1

“World Fair”… Hold the event called “World Fair” in Kitahama park. In the festival, people can buy foods from traditional food stores, and also people can watch traditional performance and can join traditional games. Everyone can participate to the event, thus make the people understand different cultures. Furthermore, by coming to the festival, people will be able to know what the APU multicultural week is like.

Group 3

“International movie night”… Hold the event to watch a movie, mostly the old Japanese movies or other country’s traditional movies, so that people can discuss about the movie after the show. Also people can sell some goods during this event. And because the movie is an English movie, APU students will have the chance to try on making the translation/subtitles.

Group 5

“Beppu Cultural Village”… Make the cultural museum to be called “Cultural Village”, and introduce different cultures from all around the world. This idea is based on the global village in Dubai. There are many sections such as food, clothes, theater, art and performance. Therefore audiences can feel a universe under one roof.

Group 2

 “Travel Hotspot”… This is a travel service for tourist in Beppu. APU students guide tourists as a staff. By using APU students as staff, it will allow the student to have more opportunities to communicate with people from outside of APU. Plus, student will get money through this so they can consider it as their part-time-job. Not to mention that students can also help to promote APU, therefore we can get more awareness to APU from foreign tourists or people from other prefectures.

Group 4

“One-Click Beppu”… Make a mobile app promoting an “online social community” within Beppu. Basically, the app will initially be divided into six categories: Nightlife & Events, Sightseeing, Shopping, FOOD & drinks, Beppu Uncovered [user articles on various subjects about Beppu they find interesting], Video. These sections will offer shop-owners and event organizers the ability to ‘officialize’ themselves and register their shops and events. Doing so, they can post daily menu updates, store events, schedules, pricing, campaigns etc. and interact directly with the customers/ potential event attendees.


We AUA organization hold the 1st Idea Contest on June 8th. There were five groups consisted by 6 or 7 AUA ambassadors, and gave presentations regarding to the theme “Regional vitalization in Beppu”. Even it was soon after the quarter break, all members prepared for it very hard during the break, and they gave us creative ideas to make Beppu as a developed city. We invited some professors, people from company and APU students as judgements.



Prof. Kanai

Company president of LBE Japan Mr. Kita

Mr.Shinosaki from office

From municipal office

From Beppu Tourism Association

From the Policy Promotion office

APU students


The result of this contest was Group1 won the prize. Because of ambassador’s effort and these judgments, the contest became significance for everyone.

We might change the contest style from the next time, but try to make the better one based on the failure and problems we faced here.


*People who came along to our contest or the people who joined/ gave a nice presentation as an ambassador, Thank you so much for your participation!!!

To the people who missed this first contest, please feel free to come along the next one!



Thank you!

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